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Drain Services Brisbane

Your day shouldn’t be ruined by a clogged drain. Allow the experts at Clearflo Specialised Services to clear the drains utilising the most recent equipment and technology.

Overflowing drains? Blocked Sewer?

Let Clearflo Specialised Services’ team of experienced plumbers handle it.

Drains around all building and houses types can become clogged by a variety of debris and material. What’s blocking your drains? And what can you do to fix them?

Signs that you have problem with your drains.

  • Gurgling noises coming from sinks, baths, showers
  • Slow draining from outdoor traps
  • Flooding!
  • Strong odour coming from outlets
  • Slow draining water from sinks
  • Water pooling in unusual places

What causes blocked drains?

Any debris that makes its way in your sink and through your drains can result in partial or full blockages. The most common causes of blocked drains include:

  • Food waste that accidentally gets washed down the sink
  • Fat, oil, and grease
  • Tissues that are disposed of down the toilet
  • Hair and soap scum in the shower
  • Leaves, dirt, and other natural debris can block outdoor drains

Get in Touch

CCTV Inspection - Push Rod & Mainline

Blocked drains can be a nuisance and can cause damage to your pipes in the ground and to your house. Our experts will provide a CCTV inspection and drain cleaning to prevent further issues in your drains.

Using sophisticated, effective camera equipment Clearflo is able to investigate pipe work to locate problematic sites, survey the damage, devise the best course of action, as well as monitor works being completed from start to finish.

If your drains are prone to blocking due to tree roots, avoid the emergency call out by maintaining your drains on a regular basis.

We can’t control the weather, but we can control the schedule, costs, quality and safety.

Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning

Fast, simple and minimal disruption, our high-pressure water jetting machines clean drains with ease and efficiency. Integrating the CCTV and jet rodding/drain cleaning technology enables us to remove pipe intrusions and build-up and blockages and with the use of CCTV we can verify the job is completed and line is clear.
With the use of the CCTV and locator, we can accurately pinpoint and diagnose problems with ease.

This process is a more thorough solution than the old style electric eel and is less destructive, leaving a clearer drain.

How does Jet Rodding Works?

Initial inspection using CCTV followed by high-pressure water to remove blockages.

After Clearflo’s CCTV inspection, we can locate the problem and undertake drain cleaning to view the cause and extent of the blockage. We can report on this and also give you a quotation for a no dig solution or the traditional excavation method to repair your drainage.

Drain problem? Don’t stress! Give Clearflo Specialised Services today!

Trenchless Pipe Repairs

Simple, effective, non-invasive, trenchless pipe repairs.
Using innovative trenchless technology and CCTV footage, Clearflo Specialised Services is able to repair and reline broken, damaged or corroded pipes without disturbing the building foundations.

Working on small scale to large commercial, industrial and domestic sites, this is a no-mess solution that allows us to solve the issue without requiring excavation and with minimal disruption to your day to day operations.

The pipe reline process essentially creates a ‘pipe inside of a pipe’ using heated resin that moulds to the shape of the existing system. This can be used to treat pipes of all types and sizes – from 40mm to 1500mm, in any material, with the possibility for custom solutions.

The Clearflo relining team has decades of experience in this field and personalises the process to create the most efficient and effective solution for each client including peace of mind knowing the job is completed in a tradesman like manner.

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